Saturday, 4 May 2013

Through the trapdoor...

Hello to all the ARU Potterheads for one of the last times from our current Committee!

We’ve had a truly magical year as the Harry Potter Society, and we have just a couple more things to finish up before it draws to a close.

First, we have our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 7th May, at 6.30pm in LAB 214, to review how the year has been and vote in a new Committee. For more details read on!

Then we have our last social, the Through The Trapdoor Pub Social, on Friday 17th May, 7.30pm – 9.30pm at the Tram Depot. This will be our public handover to the new Committee as we bid farewell to the Four Founders of the Order of the Ruskin, and we would love to share it with you!

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The AGM is an opportunity for all our members to come along and tell us what you think of the Society, what worked well, what could be improved, and what you’d like to see next year, and we’d love to see as many Society members as possible!

We will also be voting in a new Committee so that the Society can continue through the next year. Every paid member of the Society has one vote for each position and is encouraged to take part in the elections, even if you’re going on to more magical adventures at the end of this year! 

If you are interested in standing for any of the positions, please send us your manifesto through the facebook page or to by MIDNIGHT on MONDAY 6TH MAY. You must attend the AGM in order to be considered for the Committee. There is a possibility we will be able to conduct online voting as well, but this is not certain.

Your manifesto is intended to let people know who you are and what you want to do in the Society if you get voted in. This is your opportunity to say what you plan on bringing to the Society, what makes you perfect for the role and what direction you want to the Order of the Ruskin in over the next year. Think about what would make you vote for someone!

These will be posted for our members as soon as we receive them, provided there are no issues, but you MUST submit a manifesto if you wish to stand. Good luck and feel free to get in touch with us if there are any issues!

Required positions are: President, Administrator, Treasurer
Other positions available: Vice President, Social Events Coordinator

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Will be Owled into the SU from Madam Malkins soon. We will let you know as soon as we hear, and we look forward to seeing all our Potterheads looking as good as Gilderoy in their Society hoodies!

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We’ve had a truly wonderful year, and we look forward to seeing you apparating in to our last few events, and don’t forget, House Points can still be earned to help your House win at the end of the year!

Anglia Ruskin Harry Potter Society: Order of the Ruskin

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