Sunday, 30 December 2012

Our owls are struggling!

We hope you've all had an enchanting Christmas is, and are looking forward to a truly magical New Year!

Our owls are having trouble getting our messages to all Order of the Ruskin members, especially with this weather, so please feel free to pass the word along and share our facebook and twitter posts. Especially our open applications for Vices and Online Media Rep - the Society can only continue on with a potential committee for next year!

Applications close at MIDNIGHT TOMORROW (Monday 31st December/Tuesday 1st January) so please try and get your completed forms back by then.

Message us at for an application form if you're interested in the roles Vice President, Vice Treasurer, Vice Administrator and Vice Social Events Coordinator, as well as our brand new official Committee position: Online Media Representative!

We hope to see you all in the New Year!

Anglia Ruskin Harry Potter Society: Order of the Ruskin

Sunday, 23 December 2012

A very merry and magical Christmas to all our Society members!

Thank you to everyone for making this such an amazing year for us and for making this Society possible! We expect you'll all be sat around the Wizarding Wireless listening to Celestina Warbeck along with Molly Weasley over the next few days, so have a fabulous festive season, and keep an eye out for our exciting adventures after the new year!

Monday 31st December is the deadline for all our Vice roles and Online Media Representative applications, so don't delay! Email us at for an application form and info pack! More information can be found in our previous post, or at the Anglia Ruskin SU page:

Thank you again, and we hope to see you all in the New Year!

Anglia Ruskin Harry Potter Society: Order of the Ruskin

Tuesday, 18 December 2012


For those Potterheads not already aware, in the New Year we will be opening up new positions on the Harry Potter Society Committee!

Online Media Representative
  • As the Online Media Representative for the Society your main role will involve the upkeep and promotion of the Society and its events via all online sources, including the Society’s Facebook page, Twitter account and the SU web page. These must all be maintained and kept up to date with the goings on of the Society, together with online ‘events’ to invite members to and reviews of past events to keep the pages active and interesting.
  • You will mainly be working with the Social Events Coordinator and the Administrator to make sure any events, socials and news are published promptly on all three sites keeping them current and informative, as well as through members’ emails.
  • You are also advised to use your initiative in ways to keep members up to date and publicise the Society, as well as helping out in other areas such as the devising and running of events and socials.
  • You will be given admin rights for all Society online outlets and will attend all Committee meetings as an official member of the Society Committee.
  • This position is open to all members of the Society, particularly those with an interest in Social Media. The role will be voted in by the Society members in a mini-election that will take place through the online Society outlets.
  • We will be opening up unofficial ‘Vice’ roles for each official position on the Committee. This includes President, Administrator, Treasurer and Social Events Coordinator.
  • This is a good way of being able to train up those of you who are interested in taking on Committee positions next year, giving you a chance to experience what the job entails and get to know if the role would be right for you.
  • You will be shadowing the Committee member in the role you apply for, and will have the opportunity to sit in on Committee meetings. You will also help out with the organisation of our Semester 2 events, as well as the possibility of being given your own responsibilities.
  • The vice positions are open to everyone who is interested in the Society Committee positions, in particular those who will be looking to continue on with the Society over the next academic year. (Next year’s Committee will be elected in May 2013.)
  • You are welcome to try out for as many roles as you like, particularly for those interested in the President position it is advised that you familiarise yourself with all Committee roles.
  • Everyone who applies will have a chance to experience the role they apply for, so if we should have several applications for one role, we will rotate all applicants to give everyone a well-rounded experience.
  • These positions will not be voted in and will be unofficial insofar as you will not be a formally recognised member of the Committee.

To apply for any and all of these roles, please send an email to to receive a Responsibility Pack outlining all the roles in further detail and a formal application form. 
Please return your completed application form to the same email address.

The closing deadline is Monday 31st December. 

The roles will then be organised during January and will be in place from the beginning of February.

Welcome, welcome!

Welcome to the official blog of the Anglia Ruskin Harry Potter Society: Order of the Ruskin!

“Whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.” – J. K. Rowling

The Harry Potter Society: Order of the Ruskin aims to spread the magic of Harry Potter, as created by J. K. Rowling, and to provide a safe and enthusiastic environment for fellow Potterheads of all Houses and affiliations as you journey through your O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s at Anglia Ruskin.

We’ll be hosting film screenings, O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. pub quizzes, Horcrux Hunts, Muggle Quidditch and so much more, so come along and join us because ‘it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live’!

We aspire to remind everyone that happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.

Membership fee: £3.00 per year.