We hope you've all had an enchanting Christmas is, and are looking forward to a truly magical New Year!
owls are having trouble getting our messages to all Order of the Ruskin
members, especially with this weather, so please feel free to pass the word
along and share our facebook and twitter posts. Especially our open
applications for Vices and Online Media Rep - the Society can only continue on
with a potential committee for next year!
close at MIDNIGHT TOMORROW (Monday 31st December/Tuesday 1st
January) so please try and get your completed forms back by then.
us at orderoftheruskin@gmail.com for an application form if you're
interested in the roles Vice President, Vice Treasurer, Vice Administrator and
Vice Social Events Coordinator, as well as our brand new official Committee
position: Online Media Representative!
hope to see you all in the New Year!
Anglia Ruskin Harry Potter Society: Order of
the Ruskin